To quote Ted...."Robert, you have made a very amatuer error in the above photo posting. The gun shown with the Charlin IS NOT a Darne."

Well EXCUSE foolish of me to lump Francisque (Darne Fils)with his father got me again Ted...You're right... Darne Fils made guns are not Darnes at all...

Based on Ted's reasoning,if the guns made by the son of Regis are not Darnes...then Bruchets made half a century later are definitely not Darnes (don't quote me on this JC, I don't buy it myself)

Are you catching this? Do you see why it's so difficult to answer anything directly? What's next? Maybe I misspelled another French word...maybe they'll get me on punctuation next...

Last edited by Robert Chambers; 12/17/07 12:40 AM.