Please allow me to apologize for Larry Brown turning your request for information into a venue for his personal "lesson teaching"...

Now that these guys have pronounced your gun "dead" in the water...would you like to finally know what your gun is? And the best course of action?

I hope that you don't think that I "hajacked" your last thread. I was trying to answer your question (I asked clarification of the mark, L, or no L) when someone got their panties in a bunch because I misspelled abeille. Suggesting that data was completely flawed because of a grammatical error. He screwed you...the chances of any other researcher coming forward with info after that unjustified attack is zero. I hope he apologized to you formally.

Did you think that it was I who hijacked your thread?

Do you still want to know more about your shotgun?

Should I give more time for them to put the nails in the coffin, before I explain what your gun is?

Perhaps you've lost interest by now....