When I refer to the plume barrels, I am referring to barrels with a top rib only...the front sling swivel goes between the barrels and is attached to the underside of the top rib...it was yet again another step in the French thinking that light and safe is sometimes valued above all other shooting qualities. Should I post the patent?

Plume barrels are a fine point, but, one that must be understood, when involved in the study of Darne guns.(do you see how pompous that sounds when I play it back for you?)... What kind of Darne student doesn't know what plume barrels are? Face it Ted, when it comes to French guns, we are all beginners.

You have got to be kidding me...you started all this crap because you caught me mixing the I and E...well you got me...as for the accuracy of the info that I posted, what do you have to say? Is that the best you can roll out on your emotional tirade? That I misspelled, what is in this case is, a proper noun.

Yeah, you really showed me...but I disagree about your NCO nonsense...you made an ass out of yourself...you didn't need my help at all...but I was glad to be there for the assist