Originally Posted by Tim in PA
You know something? If it wasn't for me you people would never learn anything.
PLEEZ PEOPLE!! Get your facts straight before you speak. Otherwise you are just spewing worthless drivel. Today, Al Gore's net worth is 300 million. Not just a measly 100 million. And he was only worth a couple million when he left office. So there you go. Do the math. Okay?........ and I honestly don't know what the club of Rome is. That must have been after my time..... and I don't know anything about any food shortage. All I know is from watching TV is that Americans are complaining. Thousands of people are trying to get into United States every day because they have no food, no drinkable water, they can't grow crops because of the poor soil where they live. Their homes have been washed away by floods and they have no place to live so they are traveling a thousand miles on foot and begging for food because their children are starving. And they tell me it's all because of climate warming........Some of them are even getting plane rides and bus trips to New York City and to the vice president's neighborhood and dumped off. And people are welcoming them with open arms. And people in places like Africa are starving to death because they have no food so they are migrating North into Europe. And this is happening all over the world. So you'll have to ask them about starving. Or better yet, you might want to ask Teddy Twump about all that. He says it is not happening even though I watch it on TV everyday. So, I know nothing about it. I get to feed my face about five times a day, so I'm not aware of any food shortage. You'll have to ask them. 😊 Then explain it to me. Its like the difference between me and Teddy Twump. He is always putting up graphs and charts and pictures that prove what he is saying is wrong. And I sit and laugh because I don't get it.............?And I really don't know what the letters IIPC are, either. Although, I did have some Navy buddies who caught NSU overseas years ago........ And finally, how gullible am I? Well, I don't know. I see pictures of boats and ships sailing all around what used to be the North pole and people telling me it isn't true. I put pictures on here of people driving through streets in cities that are flooded because of rising ocean water and no rain and I literally drive through those flooded streets myself and people on this board tell me I'm not. I hear every month that each month is the hottest month on the planet since we have begun keeping records of the weather 150 years ago. And people like Teddy Twump denying it. So, I don't know. I guess I'm pretty gullible. Maybe that's why somebody gave me the nickname, Ol' Lefty. 😇

You know something? If we learned anything from people like you we'd be dumber.

You sit around feeding your face five times a day, watching leftist agenda driven TV, and you think you're the smartest guy in the room. And you're the dumbest, not because you're naturally stupid, but because you choose to be. You watch people lie to you on TV and you turn your brain off and suck it all in. Why? only God knows, and He isn't saying. Mark Twain said it's easier to fool someone than to convince them they've been fooled. And he's right, and you're the fool, and your arrogant, mocking, snarky posts attest to it.[/quote] Hmmmmmmm........Ol Lefty

Last edited by Jimmy W; 03/26/24 12:25 PM.