Originally Posted by canvasback
Originally Posted by Jimmy W
31,000? Yep that's about what I told you, Teddy. About 2% of the millions of scientists,, meteorologists, etc. In the world. Remember I said 98% of the scientists and weather professionals in the world sided with me? Well, there ya go. You've only got 31,000 on your side.. And in the meantime the planet just keeps getting warmer and warmer. And the poles just keep melting. Thanks again for more proof that you're wrong again.😁😁😁......Ol' Lefty

Jimmy.....science isn't about consensus. The whole world thought Copernicus was wrong. To the point of wanting to kill him for heresy. And he's just one example. So "consensus" statistics are meaninglessness.

While you may fancy yourself as the Copernicus of meteorology and climatology, you certainly do not know anything about how science progresses. You might try reading a few elementary texts on the philosophy of science and the history of science. Thinks like paradigm shifts and theory building. Consensus is a huge part of it. I would be happy to suggest a nice selection of famously known (experts by consensus of the field smile.

What you don't see is any consensus building behind the odd maverick outlier to the huge consensus among climatologists that anthropogenic climactic warming is the real deal - aka an operational dominant paradigm. Only, nut jobs and tribal politicians are bucking that consensus, not the scientists that do the heavy lifting.

But carry on. Nut jobs can be entertaining.

Hint: Kuhn, Lakatos, and Feyerabend will get you started down the road to scientific enlightenment.

BrentD, (Professor - just for Stan)

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