Fascinating subject, as always. The best shooters are consistent in their eye and hand dominance... and then there are the rest of us. Growing up in the early 1960s meant that you were encouraged to be right-handed by your parents and teachers, but maybe not as hard as they were doing it in the 1950s. After much discussion on the subject (by everybody mentioned) my parents allowed me to remain a southpaw going forward. It is my understanding that the reason so-many young men stuttered in America in the 60s and 70s was because they were forced to be right-handed in the 50s and early 60s (the physiology of all that needs to be explained by someone other than me, something about overloading your speech center with your motor-control center?). Anyway, I was left-handed but of-course right eye dominant until I had laser surgery in 2000 (for myopia and astigmatism) whereby then I became more cross-dominant, meaning that neither eye was superior. That surgery was life-altering for me in so-many ways (showering with my wife was far-more fun and my shooting improved dramatically), but time has a habit of changing things up, eh? Now my left eye is so occluded by "floaters" (a gift of PVD) that my right eye has again become more-dominant. Not sure what to do next. Just keep on shooting, I guess.

Last edited by Lloyd3; 03/05/24 12:21 PM.