
It is hard to tell. It would make sense that family was working in the same industry.

From "Le Qui est Qui de l'Armurerie liegeoise" All the following are listed as armourers.

Woit 24 Henri Rue Morinval 1912-1921
Woit Dieudonme' 1910
Woit Claude 29 Rue JOnfosse 1874-1889
Woit Henri Rue 26 Morinval 1927
Woit Henri 430 Rue Vivengis 1906
Woit B. 1889
Woit Henri 16 Rue aux Chevaux 1945

One thing is certain. Once you got the job, it tended to last for life. A lot of 30+ years careers are reflected on the list. The other is that the list is full of fathers and sons. We tend to forget that the Bank of Proof is a government run operation. So patronage and despotism most likely reined. The letter I is never assigned to a Controller. On the above version, you will see a name then 2 sets of dates. The second set has a blank. It should look like this:

Y Delsaux Francois 1959 1968
Y Delsaux Francois 1974 1996
A father and son...

Finally, the early years of the list were put together by memory. Or so I have read. The Controller most likely never touched a gun themselves. They were supervisors for the actual work crews.
