Is it me!! Or is Westly Richards think rather a lot of themselves. Have I got this right they want customers to pay a four figure plus sum for a gun that will not handle steel, who the hell do they think they are the one and only Gods gift to the shooting man! Other high finish makers can produce barrels that are proofed for steel. If a gun maker wanted to charge me a four figure plus for a gun I would want it to be able to cope with steel shot to Camel dropping's and every stop in between. And if that is going to be their sales policy they can stick their gun up in a place where the sun dont shine, I am sure that I will be alone in thinking this so lets see how long this idiotic sales tactic lasts.
Ernie. The sometimes cantankerous old git who knows when someone is trying hard extracting the piss.

The only lessons in my life I truly did learn from where the ones I paid for!