Those detached retinas can really be bad. I had a buddy in his early to mid 70s , who married a woman from Thailand and they owned some property over there. So every year he would travel back and forth to Thailand with his wife. He was there one year and went to open up a bottle of water and the cap blew off and hit him in his left eye. And he ended up with a detached retina. The eye doctor over there told him not to get on a plane and try to fly home because
the altitude could damage his eye permanently. So he had an eye doctor over there work on his eye and it ended up being so butchered he couldn't shoot anymore with his left eye and he was always a left-handed shooter. He got back to the States and went to see his eye doctor and his eye doctor here told him that he could have flown home and it shouldn't have damaged his eye but it was too late by then. And he could have repaired his eye. But it was too late. He never was the same. He tried to shoot right handed, but could never do very well at all. He had a left-handed Perazzi that he always used, but after that accident he never could shoot right-handed very well, either. Always be careful when you open up a cold plastic bottle of water in the summer. I've heard of the cap blowing off more than once over the years. Ever since then anytime I opened up a bottle of pop or water I turned it away from my face.