Originally Posted by eeb
Originally Posted by Wonko the Sane
Please spew your excremental political propaganda elsewhere


That's merely Dr. Wanker's polite way of saying he doesn't like to be reminded that he voted for the anti-gun Democrat Party that works to defund the Police, gives amnesty to criminals, corrupted the Justice System, and just generally turned the U.S. into a dumpster fire.

No political party can insure total freedom from crime. But there is no question that some politicians are more effective. When Ed's father-in-law was mugged in NYC, Democrat David Dinkens was mayor, and crime rates were sky high. He was succeeded by Mayor Rudy Giuliani. who implemented anti-crime policies that made NYC a much safer place.

I hope Mr. Meeker makes a full recovery.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.