Originally Posted by Bob Cash
Originally Posted by bushveld
HAMAS just increased the price of propellant.
Originally Posted by mc
That darn hamas.
You should both be horsewhipped.

Actually, if anyone should be horse-whipped, it is the anti-gun senile idiot who calls inflation Bidenomics, and also recently handed Iran 6 billion dollars.. That is permitting them to provide a lot more money to Hamas, Hezbollah, and other terrorists. Trump wiped out ISIS in short order and had Iran on the brink of collapse. Like it or not, demands for ammunition for large military actions ends up creating shortages and higher prices for civilian ammo and reloading components. Supplying ammo to support Ukraine isn't helping either. At least Obama only sent them MRE's and blankets when Russia invaded Crimea.

I understand that it is very difficult for some folks to connect the dots...

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.