About 90 ambient
Over 100 up on the hills with no cover
The dogs, and the beaters, and the pickers up, all suffer greatly on these days.

I was experiencing some heat exhaustion by noon, and we agreed to shoot through and end the day as quickly as possible. It’s just too dangerous for the dogs in the heavy cover, the people up on the hills, and the birds really don’t fly their best when it’s that hot.
For the birds, is just like the marathon runner and a hot day. They run much better on a cool damp day. The birds basically pop up in the air, fly 50 yards, and then sit down, out of gas. That is not the best way to present the birds.

Being down in the gyll, we were able to drop birds in a place where the dogs picking up could cool themselves in the creek.
Climbing a 50 m hillside in the blazing sun is no fun.

Out there doing it best I can.