The colonel makes some excellent points and to most I agree. However, I am less and less hopeful that the divisions in America, concerning liberals and conservatives, will be peacefully resolved. I am not a revolutionary, in the sense that a couple members here have referred to me, but I will not compromise my beliefs and ethics and morals to find "common ground". I know the colonel wasn't advocating that, but many do, in the name of civility and "progress". Democrats and Republicans could once find some common ground, enough to make some meaningful legislation, but when one of the above parties (you figure out which) decided to go ultra-lib, and advocate for the agendas they now do, finding common ground became almost impossible. The Constitution of the United States is a sacred document and I will never accept it being treated as something that should be modified to fit the times. The descendants (by belief, not necessarily by bloodline) of the founding fathers, who founded this nation on a belief in God and His Holy Word, cannot compromise these beliefs and mores. I cannot.

"Polarization" was the buzz word, maybe a decade ago, to describe the state of affairs our nation's government was/is in. It was berated by both sides as being terrible. I said then, and say now, that polarization is impossible to avoid when the values and core beliefs of such a large contingent of America veer so far away from the word of God. True believers will not "go along to get along". I place myself solidly in that group. May God help us all.

May God bless America and those who defend her.