I believe you're a good guy LGF, but that's not why you mentioned condor dialysis, is it? I asked quite a while ago, if a loved one of your's needs heart surgery, do you want the surgeon completely versed in the most appropriate science, or do you want some song and dance about podiatry best practice?

You don't get it do you, I believe I understand science better than fits your comfort level, I call on you to apply it, when you intend to harm me, and my family with binding policy. I live with incoveniences on a daily basis, happily, but that comment is just a game you came up with that we're not really playing, are we?

Hey, on a lighter note, where are today's green arses, not of yesteryear when the tailpipes of every car in North America spewed lead laced plumes, or companies were still putting it in paints and children's toys? Why are we guessing that wild birds are laying dead of lead poisoning in unknown places, when science is repeatable and Muscovy ducks could graze a triple concentration lead shot seeded control field, to verify what happens? What, might not work, shucks Iowa State should give it a go.

kali used to be one of my favorite places to visit, and there was a time when the pacific flyway was something special. Did you ever consider that you messed up that once great state, and not responsible sportsmen?