Craig: we all get that academic fraud is rampant
And they all get caught, eventually
Are you aware of a lead in wildfowl or eagle study that was proven to be faked? I understand the interpretation of the data may certainly be suspect.

We all get that research grants awarded by either the government or private industry come with an agenda

We all get that our moral and intellectual progressive superiors in government despise us "deplorables", our culture, and our standards - and are increasingly willing to make that clear.

We all get that political appointees do what their superiors tell them to do, not what is best for us or the wildlife

I don't believe however that proclaiming "the science sucks", some of which is now 60 years old with hundreds of published studies, or implying that professional wildlife biologist are all corrupt and duplicitous in a scam contributes anything helpful to the conversation.
What, exactly, about the "science" sucks - the methodology, the statistics, the lead levels, the sampling, the autopsies...or is it the assumptions and conclusions that "suck"?