Originally Posted by MattH
So what is the alloy they are using in Bioammo Blue? I haven't seen it explicitly stated anywhere.

I was curious about this myself, so I did a little digging to see what I could learn. The best information I was able to find in one source was this article:


Straight away, we see that Bioammo Blue shot is 25% less dense than lead. While softer than steel and a little less brittle than bismuth, it is still quite a bit harder and more brittle than lead. They are launching it at pretty high velocity to attempt to make up for it's ballistic shortcomings. I didn't find any reference to chamber pressure produced, so I'd assume it is near C.I.P. maximum until I knew for sure.

It was nice this review gave some pattern plate results. Thus far, I have had no use or need for non-lead ammo because I am not a waterfowl hunter. So as far as I'm concerned, this stuff is just another more costly and less effective product than lead.

If I pull into a Gas Station, and they are selling a new fuel that promises poorer performance, 25% less mileage, and costs considerably more, I'm moving my truck to a pump dispensing plain old gasoline. But that's just me.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.