Originally Posted by Edm1
New guy here… growing up my Dad had a SxS nitro special in 16gauge. When my brother and I got older he got other guns and was mainly a deer hunter. But that nitro special was the first shotgun I ever shot and claimed a place in my heart. When he died last year, it came to me. Since then I picked up a Flues and a pristine 20 gauge Nitro special. I’ve read lots, on here and books. I’m not able to spend the kind of money some can..2 kids in college…but I do have a little squirreled away and now I’m bit by the bug. I want a nicer one. Last year we took the Boy Scout troop on a vintage SxS clay shoot. I know my flues isn’t much “field grade” but it is my favorite to shoot. Going to take them again this weekend. Thank you all for the forum and info.

Don’t sell your Nitro short. I keep mine parked in between the good guns, in the safe:

[Linked Image from i.ibb.co]

The 16s and 20s come to the shoulder much like a more expensive gun. Many of them have been used very hard, and soldier on to this day. A guy could do much worse for his first double than his Father’s 16 gauge Nitro.
