My undestanding is that all the Winchester manufactured Model 21 records reside in Cody. All the USRAC and CSMC manufacture records reside with Tony Galazan.
I think it's been made quite clear that serial #'s over a certain # are not an indication of who manufactured the Model 21.
Another item to consider is that any Model 21 serial # without a W prefix is a pre GCA or mid 1968 manufacture. The 1968 GCA required an alpha in the serial #.
I have a 1968 'Custom Grade' without a W prefix and it is indeed manufactured in the first half of 1968.
Model 21 33412 I previously referred to has no prefix so could not have been manufactured by CSMC.
A recent CSMC Model 21 Serial # I have has an SW prefix, 'S' I assume means 'small frame'.
Anything with a W prefix should be a Winchester Custom Shop, USRAC or CSMC Model 21.
Now how many Model 21's USRAC actually manufactured and how many were Manufactured by CSMC or how many 'Custom Built BY Winchester' Model 21's CSMC built from parts is only known by Tony.-Dick