
Interesting inquiry and it goes to the heart of the matter. Utility and art are not mutually exclusive concepts and often in nature and in man's pursuits when form most closely follows function , even such things as soup can labels, we find what can be appreciated as art.

I am looking at my display case right now where I have among many interesting things, an old family Testament and an arrowhead. The bible is signed and dated in 1828 in what was common penmanship of the day. The arrowhead I found in our front pasture some 40 years ago when I was walking home from school one day.

Is the work of these individuals, who would hardly have considered themselves artists strictly a question of function or is there some artistry or self-expression at work in this? This is subjective; each, the common written word and the arrowhead served very utilitarian purposes, but in them, at least to my eye there is also art.
