This thread went downhill in a hurry. How about expanding our knowledge of Kornbrath with a series of photographs explaining the faked up Kornbrath guns. A good start would be pictures of Griffin and Howe guns from the early days that Michael Petrov opined that most if not all engraved guns were done by Kornbrath. Thanks for the education. What happened to the "Kornbrath Files" that Michael apparently donated to the Cody museum? Are they available for research? I remember seeing those documents for sale at the Baltimore Show in the early sixties. Wow, that was what, sixty years ago? I was interested in them but the price was a little high for someone interested more in Parker shotguns than engraver history. I assume they went through several hands before getting to Michael. Were these early Griffin and Howe guns signed by Kornbrath or just identified by "style" and "excellence"?