IMO, there is a large group here who are not racist, love the Jewish people as a nation and as individuals, and who would never condone locking up the Japanese-Americans, or any other ethnic group, just because we were at war against their former homeland. They/we, however, are also independent enough in character that they/we will not be badgered into answering the demands of certain "Internet Police" here who, because of their personal agendas, think they have the right to demand answers from others. They are so shallow-minded that they equate silence with agreement. How immature is that?

A few of you need to understand this and get down off your soapboxes. Just because someone here starts a thread, of any kind, does not mean anyone else is bound by any sort of convention or reason to respond. SILENCE (on an internet forum) DOES NOT EQUATE TO AGREEMENT!! 'Tis a shame that this even has to be pointed out to a group of, supposedly, mature thinking people.

May God bless America and those who defend her.