One of the good things about the Internet and some might say one of the bad things is that people are free to be whomever they choose to be in this village square. I have always thought that when a participant slips on an Internet persona, rather than hide who they are, they give us some real insights into who they really are. In the face to face world they might be reluctant to be outright racist, sexist, narrow-minded, or just nasty. Under cover of cyberspace the inhibition slips away ...... They can speak from the darkness. There was a time when I found it necessary to confront crappy behavior on the Internet the same way I do in the rest of my life ..... I am basically a confrontational kind of guy. But I have found out that it gives me very little satisfaction. I do not believe I can change anyone's behavior at this distance ....... so why waste the time and energy? All this being said, I must admit that I give in to my temperament from time to time and take a swing or two. All this being said, I don't think H'OJ or LG are able to hide much behind the persona they have adopted here ...... and for the most part I think they are harmless.

I have learned a lot here ...... let's talk about SxS shotguns!


Last edited by Bouvier; 09/27/07 09:34 PM.