Surely you see that your argument about experience and elections being the chance to set a term limit would apply equally as well to the Presidency?

Here in Illinois, Mike Madigan has been Speaker of the House for 35 of the last 37 years. He is the longest serving leader of any state or federal legislative body in the history of the United States. He is the real power in the State of Illinois. Not the Governor.

Have we benefited from his experience? Not by a long shot. Illinois is by many accounts the most corrupt and poorly run state in the Union. We have massive debt and the highest combined tax burden in the US. But Mr. Madigan gets re-elected time after time. Because he has the support of the trial lawyers and the public employee unions, which he garners by making sure the legislature doles out favors to those groups. This is the result that a lack of term limits leads to.

Nothing the government gives you is free.