I have appreciated this thread; both the humor and the insight.
Here in Alberta we have millions of acres of Provincially owned land open to hunting - yet our hunting fraternity has shrunk in size year by year and the age of the hunters has increased year by year. Access to private land upon request is often but not always granted. We have an abundance and diversity of wildlife, liberal seasons, ready access for most and generous bag limits. The quality of hunting is 'superb'. Today our Provincial Government has announced "Provincial Hunting Day" to be celebrated annualy on September 22nd. I have not yet heard of any negative response although it is expected. I applaud our Government for taking such action. Hunting is an inherent component of my life. I would be much poorer if I was by health, circumstance or legislation deprived of participating. Promotion of the activity as healthy, wholesome and proper we will gain better public acceptance however we are ill prepared to answer the criticism of the antis who tend to be more articulate and frankly desparately committed to the cause of abolishing hunting as a recreational activity. In general we need to better prepare our response. Still this is a GOOD day in Alberta one of diamonds and not stones.