I fit in your description of "Not as Finacilly Fortunate as Others". My Best" gun is an FE Lefever Arms Co. It has been my #1 go-to gun since around 1972. I fell with it once while navigating a hill-side & it still wears a little ding in the stock from that. On one occasion while wading Out" of a duck swamp I forgot about a fallen tree trunk I had located on the way in & tripped over it plunging the FE to the bottom of the swamp. A good strip & clean & re-oiling took care of that.

At age 81 & in chemo for the third time in my life I am simply unable to get out & hunt anymore. If I were I would be delighted to hunt with you, even if you were carrying the most expensive gun from your stash. Even if your gun was worth 10 times what mine was, I do not get the impression you would "Judge" me by the price of my gun. Likewise, I would not use that criteria to judge you.

I Didn't Say Everything I Said, Yogi Berra