Originally Posted By: SKB

Exactly the kind of post that earned you the name LYING keith. One LIE after another.

Yeah sure Stevie. Great come-back. Think about it this way. If someone named Stevie Gunfarmer said that everyone in New Zealand goes barefoot, and then repeated that and was QUOTED verbatim by someone who replied to him "No, many New Zealanders are required to wear work boots and some wear Nike running shoes, wouldn't that be similar to what you said, and what started all of this? And then Stevie Gunfarmer came back and said that some New Zealanders wear Nike shoes and some wear work boots... but only about 3%... but that he also said only once, that everyone in New Zealand goes barefoot...would that even make sense? I mean, how can everyone go barefoot if 3% of them wear some kind of shoe or boot?

And would it make sense for Stevie Gunfarmer to deny he said that more than one time when we all know the original statement was deleted? And we know other statements were also deleted. But there is still a surviving statement, and a verbatim QUOTE, and post number and date proving he must have said it more than once...

Well, I guess that a LIAR like you would find some way to twist things that are quite obvious, and act like a child caught with his hand in the cookie jar, denying his own actions.

I guess you are running away again as well... this time from your LIES about my employment and being on the government dole, and your own admitted sub-contracting of work on your customer's guns.

And you are obviously trying to steer miles away from the question about who pays Dave the customary $12.00 fee when you sell gunsmith or gun importation services in this forum instead of the For Sale forum. I'm just surprised that King hasn't confronted you about that since he accused me of cheating Dave by having a link to NRA-Political Victory Fund in my tag-line.

Aren't you glad you engaged in a doxxing campaign against me Stevie? Do you like the dividends you are earning? I think you should publicly confess who put you up to it, even though I know. Confession is good for the soul.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.