If the majority of Americans really wanted Universal Background Checks, they would have been passed early in the Obama administration when anti-gun Liberal Left Democrats controlled the House, Senate, and the White House.

But it didn't happen.

If the majority of Americans really wanted Universal Background Checks, then it surely would have happened in 2013 after Newtown. But enough people actually contacted their elected representatives and told them to vote No, in spite of what Obama, Biden, Schumer, and all the other anti-gun Democrats wanted.

Nope, it didn't happen.

And if the majority of Americans really wanted Universal Background Checks, Anti-gun Liberal Left Democrats who supported Obama's gun restrictions wouldn't have lost so many seats in the 2014 mid-term elections. They would have won, and even more anti-gunners would have been elected.

But that didn't happen either King.

Obviously, all those polls that dishonestly claimed that the vast majority of Americans wanted Universal Background Checks were lies. And so was the polling data that falsely claimed that even over 80% of NRA Members wanted these checks and restrictions.

The same lying polls said Trump would lose in a landslide of historic proportions... but that didn't happen either.

You sure weren't worried about it when anti-gun Democrats Harry Reid or Nancy Pelosi or Chuck Schumer wouldn't let popular legislation come to a vote. Why??? I don't really expect that you will answer any of these points King. Why should we expect you act any different than you always do?

King, I have no doubt that an Anti-Gunner like you continues to support Universal Background Checks... even though you know that anti-gun Liberals like you use registration to enforce eventual confiscation and bans.

You have claimed that you were against the Canadian Long Gun Registry, and claimed that you helped fight to end it (although you never provided a shred of proof)... yet you admit that you wish to see Universal Background checks here. People with brains ought to draw some conclusions from that.

And why is it that all of you Liberals are so deeply offended by the law as it stands with our Electoral College system. But at the same time, you never got over Bush Jr. winning the recount as Liberal left Democrats tried to suppress counting absentee votes by the military and votes from rural Republican counties in Florida???

And why do you continue to try to undermine our gun rights here when you are not a citizen? This is none of your damn business. Your anti-gun legacy is secure. And once again, you show us that you were lying when you said you had no interest in discussing politics on this forum. Do ya think Stevie will call you "Lying King"??? Naw... not on your life... Libtard birds of a feather--- stick together!

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.