Originally Posted By: keith
I not only am not avoiding this discussion Stevie, but I, in fact, am the one who brought it up again. Then I provided QUOTES, dates, photos, and post numbers to prove that it is you who is the liar. And it is you who uses data from known anti-gunners like Philip Alpers and Gunpolicy.org

The two-faced Canadian weasel referred to me as a liar concerning my statement about his private discussions with nca225. But that wasn't the first time I confronted him with that FACT, and that FACT never bothered him before. He also didn't like me referring to nca225 as his "friend". However he is the one who repeatedly argued that it is good to have filthy people like that on this forum. But the two-faced weasel had mood swings like a woman on her period, so we never could tell how he might view nca225 on any given day.

If you'd like to search, I mentioned it to mustela frenata in the "Kingsley Brown" thread. Keep digging Stevie. It only shows stupidity, dishonesty, and desperation on your part.

But if you want to go there, King Brown also referred to me as a liar concerning his illegal transport of a handgun across the U.S.--Canadian border. Then I provided a QUOTE and post number proving that he admitted to doing that on multiple occasions.

But you liars all stick together and try to denigrate anyone who calls you out on your lies. It's really pathetic. But don't worry... one of your sleazy pals will demand that Dave deletes all of this to protect you.

And you wonder why your OCD behavior has lost you support here Keith. Down to pretty much just you and jOe.

I wasn't on this thread. I had nothing to do with the subject, this thread or your argument. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned and baby....you've been scorned.

I'll say it again......crawl back into your basement and piss off. Whatever value you may be able to contribute to this forum is more than offset by the way you drag down so many threads. You primarily and with the help of a few idiots like jOe have made this forum the laughing stock of the gun and hunting on line community. You don't help the NRA or gun rights with your blather.....you make it harder to be viewed as sane for the rest of us.

BTW, when Dave locks and then deletes a thread, it primarily protects you, Keith. From the world seeing how compulsively nuts you are. I wish he'd leave them up so we have all the evidence of your OCD driven bullying. Ever notice that the constant in the deleted threads is the aggressive and rude posts by you and jOe? Every single time. Not me, not King, not Bob Cash, not Steve, not Argo or Old Colonel or any number of those of us on your hate list.

You! jOe!

Noticing a trend yet?

Last edited by canvasback; 08/06/19 12:05 PM.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia