I know this is a very old post. And the great Mr. Michael Petrov has since passed. Would like to see if any of the original posters to this thread may have any knowledge or insights. I am trying to identify what i believe is a possible custom Adolph rifle. This gun has been handed down in the family. It originates from the Adirondack NY area. Family story is said that this rifle was a custom prize that was one in a shooting competition (Fair). This is a bolt action Mauser rifle. The bolt has engraved what i believe is the mauser serial number 4517. On the barrel it is also stamped "Germany". Also engraved on the top of barrel it reads " The Adolph Mauser 250 / 3000 Savage". I believe this rifle is a custom rifle fitted with a bolt action mauser chambered in a 250 / 3000 Savage. The rifle has the classic stock Adolph carvings. The barrel and double trigger area has classic engravings as well (animals). The rifle was also outfitted with a scope. Curious if anybody can identify this rifle s/n or possible history behind it?