The division in our country started before Obama. I believe that it began with the controversy over the Bush/Gore Presidential election. Once it was final and Bush declared the President-elect the left never accepted it or got over it.

The terrorist attack of September 11th, 2001 really damaged this country. Not just in loss of life but world standing. I don't think that we have truly ever been the same since. The long wars in Iraq and Afghanistan continued the division.

Along comes Obama with his "Hope and Change" nonsense. He promised to fundamentally transform America and he did.

However, not for the better. He divided us even further with identity politics and the blame game. I strongly feel that police officers and other members of law enforcement were ambushed and killed and still have targets on their backs and have lost respect because of the rhetoric put out by Obama, Eric Holder, and others from his administration.

While Trump certainly wasn't the best candidate of choice, the alternative was unacceptable. History will not be kind when they write about the 2016 election. As a country, this was the best we could offer? Clinton is a crook, plain and simple. They tried and failed to force a coronation on us. 2020 is not looking much better. The front runner for the left is a tired, former VP. He was a flawed candidate and person in 1988, and he is a flawed candidate and person now. After him are either whack-a-doodle socialists, or candidates who will say or do anything to pander to a group.

I support the President (like all Americans should do) but he has serious flaws. I always questioned if he has the right temperament. He has done some good things, but I never once believed that Mexico was going to pay for the wall, he has been somewhat ineffective/indecisive with the border, and I wish the childish insults and tweets would stop.

The division continues with the endless lies and distraction of "Russian Collusion." The left hates him and will never accept the results of the election. The hypocrisy of the left is stunning. My fear is, that this will continue no matter who the President is in the future. 2020 and beyond, regardless of results, will be contested and obstructed by the other side.

Young people are being taught that the system is rigged, my generation is racist, and we destroyed the planet. For all of his flaws, J. Edgar Hoover was right about keeping the Communists/Socialists out of our education systems, the workplace, government, and the judicial bench. Sadly, they have infected and become imbedded in them all.

I don't see it getting better. In the end, I believe that Warren is going to be the nominee. The media is dead-set on picking the nominee, and it will be her. She is viewed as the only one who can stand up to Trump. Young people will buy into her hypocritical nonsense about the rich (even though she is), and all Trump will do is waste time calling her "Pocahontas." This will alienate the independents and cost him the women who voted for him because they disliked Clinton so much.

With all I say in this post, history repeats itself. Look back on our history, we have seen this movie before. The concern that I have, is can we rise and overcome it again like in the past. Division and protests are nothing new to Americans. However, the left has severely damaged this country. Like Trump or not, we have to show up in force on election day and vote as many of them as possible out of office.