Originally Posted By: rocky mtn bill
jOe, The 2020 election comes down to three issues: global warming, health care, and livable wages for working people. These are matters of life and death for many Americans. Republicans are not addressing these problems. They won't discuss climate change because they see there is still big money to be made in fossil fuels. They have no clue how to make health care universally available. The rich have done very well for themselves . They got a big tax cut.Of course, that had nothing to do with buying votes. After all, we all understand that it's welfare buys votes, right?

Miller made the excellent point about buying the votes of literally tens of millions of Welfare recipients versus the relatively low number of votes that could be gleaned by giving tax cuts to the super rich.

Speaking of Super Rich... the Democrat controlled state of California has the most Billionaires.

California also has 1/5 of the nation's homeless, and 1/5 of their citizens are below the poverty line. They are seriously in debt, and their educational system is ranked 10th to last in the entire nation... under Democrat control! It looks like the anti-gun Democrat promise of stopping the disparity in wealth and taxing the rich to make life better for the poor was all a lie. It also looks like their promises of better schools through higher taxes is another big fat lie.

Efforts by Republicans to end the scam called ObamaCare and to replace it with something better were fought at every turn by Liberal anti-gun Democrats.

Climate change is simply a Liberal anti-gun Democrat scam to control us and take away more of our freedom. One of the co-founders of the Weather Channel called Global Warming the Biggest Scam in History. The easy access to Historical Climate Data on the National Weather Service website has been eliminated. It showed anyone who cared to look that the warming we had in the last decade is nothing new or remarkable. We all know about the ClimateGate Scandal where Penn State University and East Anglia University conspired to alter climate data to support this scam. Liberals never wish to talk about that. How about this from Dr David Raal:


But Billy won't bother reading that, and even if he did, he couldn't comprehend it. So here's some nice pictures for him:

cute not common boy names

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.