It's good to see nca225 and King Brown being so gleeful about the remote prospects that recent events at the NRA might do the organization lasting damage. It is just further proof that the Liberal Left Socialists who frequent this forum are no help to the cause of maintaining our 2nd Amendment Rights.

There has been infighting and turmoil at the NRA before, and it appears that King's nemesis LaPierre will continue to have overwhelming support of members and the Board of Directors. Ollie will be but a footnote in the long history of the NRA. The investigation by New York State is simply more evidence that the Liberal Left is engaged in a never ending quest to undermine our gun rights... this time by attempting to weaken and damage the NRA.

This is the kind of crap King, nca225, rocky mtn bill, and other Liberal Left Democrats celebrate. It is foolish to think we need back-stabbers like this in our ranks.

The U.N. Small Arms Treaty did not pose an "immediate" threat to doubles or the 2nd Amendment. But supporters of the U.N. Small Arms Treaty were repeatedly asked to include language that specifically protected our 2nd Amendment Rights. THEY REFUSED ANY SUCH GUARANTEE. Liberal Left Anti-gunners have repeatedly shown that they cannot be trusted when it comes to infringing upon the Gun Rights of law abiding U.S. citizens. Only a LULLER like the anti-gun troll King Brown would ask us to trust them by signing on to a binding U.N. Treaty that opened the door to giving up our sovereignty.

How many times do we have to hear anti-gun Liberal Liberal Left Democrats promise to respect the 2nd Amendment, and then see them work relentlessly to weaken it by passing new anti-gun laws or appointing anti-gun Judges? Then we have guys like King... constantly predicting the demise of the NRA, even when membership surged in 2013... And predicting the demise of the shooting sports even as millions of new gun owners joined our ranks when his hero Obama threatened new restrictions. This will be his enduring legacy here. King is about as helpful as a screen door in a submarine.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.