Originally Posted By: Daryl Hallquist
At John Eurom's request, here are some of the earliest New Baker Models.

New Baker #33 made by Syracuse Forging Co. but unmarked as to Maker. ca. 1877-1878

Daryl, Thank you for adding these early examples to this thread. I will keep looking for an early example of a New Baker, preferably a Syracuse built one. Were there mechanical differences between the Syracuse vs Batavia mfg'd guns other than the under bolting changing to top bolted? I notice all three of your examples have the Baker Forging & Gun Co label. Did the name change to Baker Gun & Forging Co. coincide with the introduction of the Hammerless models ca.~1892?

Also, not to nit-pick but in reference to New Baker #33, you listed the dates as ca. 1877-1878. I am thinking maybe 1885-86, after the return from Ithaca Gun Co.

Thank you as always,
