Originally Posted By: BrentD
Craig, you aren't making much sense. But carry on. BTW, the range here is pretty much in town.

If you have any more hysterical exaggerations and tall tales, air them all out. But I am more interested in documented, or at least well reasoned, discussions.

And for sure, if it is lead from firearms, it is important to deny it and belittle anyone that actually is interested in the truth and the facts.

Sorry about belittling you Brent, you seem to switch the victim role on and off. Isn't normal, confidence that exudes toxic masculinity? Just kidding, besides, I'm the hysterical exaggerator and tall taler.

I wasn't denying just curious, why do a high percentage of Iowa newborns have an elevated lead blood level? Metoo Brent, you have many good points to offer, but I am more interested in documentation and well reasoned discussion, when things start getting comingled with feelings. I'm glad your range is in town, it would be hypocritical to think otherwise.