The top rifle is the one I got last weekend at Tulsa and the bottom rifle was Michaels. Michael wrote his rifle up in Book 2 Page 123-125 as a rifle found in Wundhammers shop when he died. Michael later identified it as being made made by Paul Wolff and it was so listed in the Amoskeag auction #104. JoDo found a file for Paul Wolff in Michaels files which was an article from the 1995 Guns & Ammo Annual and sent me a copy. The photos are not very clear on my copy but I have not been able to find a 1995 issue to get better photos. Anyone out there have a 1995 G & A Annual? The 1995 article covers more than just Paul Wolff and is about '03 rifles. Paul Wolff remodeled issue stocks into sporters.