Originally Posted By: King Brown
Yes, keith. The world would be a better place if there were no liberals.

Let's for once face reality King. The Cabelas/Bass Pro Shop policy in this thread, and the recent decision by Dick's Sporting Goods to cease sales of all hunting gear doesn't come because of pro-gun Conservatives. This is a result of Liberalism and Liberal Left attitudes.

It's also time to face up to the reality that gun owners who support Liberal Left Democrats are by direct association supporting further assaults on the gun rights of law abiding citizens. They are also supporting a system of tort-law that would permit lawsuits that would bankrupt Sporting Goods stores and Firearms manufacturers if some nutter loaded a gun he was looking at and started killing people. Dick's policy to stop selling AR-15's after the Newtown shooting was a result of a Liberal CEO bowing to pressure from Liberal Left Democrats. Now they are stopping sales of all guns and hunting gear.

Never mind that far more teens die as a result of texting while driving vs. school shootings. Never mind that more people are murdered annually here in the Wild West USA by hammers than by rifles of all types. Never mind that over 70,000 people died in 2017 in the U.S from opiate overdoses, and Liberal Democrats refuse to adequately fund Border Security.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.