Well BrentD, Im not Frank Cox. My name is William McTurnan. Im glad to hear you can make a turkey call. You can bend stocks too, rust blue barrels too, but does that make you an expert? Will a BrentD turkey call bring $2,000 at auction like a coveted Frank Cox call? Yeah right! One thing Ive noticed here is that Frank never brags about his fame in the turkey hunting world.....and he IS an expert in that field. You, on the other hand brag about doing all sorts of things. You have so much brass you even try to convince a stocking expert on what oil to use (I think you said to use Canola oil) for hot stock bending, as opposed to using linseed oil. And, you strut around pounding your fist on the table trying to convince others to Keep your donation in you pocket as your tag line clearly states. Ive never seen Frank stoop to a low level such as that, and Ive never seen him brag about his high quality calls. You, on the other hand are bragging that you can even make calls. I suggest you enter your calls in a national competition and see how far you get. When you win, then perhaps someone will listen to your nonsense.

Socialism is almost the worst.