Originally Posted By: Ted Schefelbein

Hunting, as a pastime, is safer, by a wide margin, than many sports and other outdoor activities. It is safer than bicycle riding, badminton, tennis, running, and any team sports.

Attempting to make it safer is noble, but, ignores the fact that perhaps that effort really belongs in other pastimes? When Im in the woods hunting, I am pretty much my own guardian, much different than when I am riding down WI. highway 35, on the shoulder on my bicycle, and at the mercy of drivers and their connected devices.

I suggest we could start with the use of a connected device in a motor vehicle while said vehicle is in operation being a felony, with an automatic 25 year sentence, and a minimum $150,0000 fine. The same crime, where a bystander is killed or injured, mandatory life sentence.

I believe this would make the world a far safer place than any remedial hunter safety courses.



I think the distinction can be found where an accident with a gun consistently has more tragic results then an accident with a football. And you are right about driving, an accident with a motor vehicle has the best potential to be as tragic as one with a gun. Driving, as an activity has much much more participation then with shooting or hunting, hence the rightfully high levels of regulation. But I think your example might be overkill.

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