Not an either-or world just yet, Thorny. Why not both?

Hey, anything that was best in the eyes of those worshipful guys isn't found at my house-it gets in the way of deposits to all those things that have the letters IRA after 'em that they say I'm 'gonna need when I get to be Larry Brown's age. Well, that, and I'd feel weird bending the stock to the left on a real big dollar, historical gun. But, I've got a pretty nice 20 that would take all the money earned in one financial quarter of the year at my pay grade to replace-it lives next to the pumps and other low end guns in the safe.

I use them all. You should use all of your's, too.

All the guys who want to see that word "sleeved" on a repaired gun should take it one step further, and demand watchmakers tritium be inlayed in the stamping as well, so no-one can miss it, night or day. We could call it the safety inlay. What do you think?