Sounds to me like you "broke even" Alan. An old-tyme gamblin' term, means about the same as "takin' your Mother to the prom, or kissin' your sister-- $10.00 to show-up for the Jury pool, been there, done that. Was foreman on 2 juries back around 1999--both cases we found for the defendants-

Back then, a County Asst. Prosecutor was a neighbor- he presented a case so full of holes, swiss cheese comes to mind. After the trial, I asked him why he even brought that to trial, knowing full well he would lose that one "For the People"- rather than "Win one for the Gipper!""

Mike told me: "Hey, every once in a while we have to take a losing case to trial, just to show the taxpayers we are doing something!"-- reminded me of Joseph Heller's great novel: "Catch-22"--

"The field is the touchstone of the man"..