Billy, the plastic gloves you are wearing contain phthalates to make the plastic flexible. Phthalates can cause cancer and a number of other illnesses. Latex gloves can also trigger severe allergic reactions. Everyone already knows that breathing dusts, heavy metal fumes, etc. should be avoided. What is the point of this nonsense? Try Google if you need to know more. I would suggest that you should live in one of those isolation bubbles for people with compromised immune systems. From there, you would be safe spewing your anti-Trump diatribes and running your campaign for anti-gun Democrats.

Originally Posted By: rocky mtn bill
Yeah, we all know what happened to Vince Foster because it's been so well documented. Thanks, KY Jelly for reminding us. If the SC had not elected George W, we'd never have had the invasion of Iraq and the hundreds of thousands of American and civilian casualties. There is a crisis at the border. Trump created it. Check out any reliable facts about change in illegal entry. He shot his mouth off during the campaign, and now he's scrambling to accommodate a base that thought he knew something.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.