Originally Posted By: Stan

There are guns which have been ordered with the right barrel being tighter than the left.
And, there are guns which have been ordered with the front trigger firing the left barrel, instead of the right.


Stan those were ordered for left hand shooters...

Most all guns shoot right barrel first and the triggers are staggered the way they are for a reason...safety mainly.

A true left hand double trigger will be staggered just the opposite.

On most SxS's because most all are right handed guns. The rear trigger is kind of hidden behind the front trigger so under recoil should your grip slip on the gun or your finger get jarred back under recoil your finger can't sweep back and hit the rear trigger causing an unwanted double firing.

I'm left handed and have owned and shot lots double trigger guns (all were right handed triggered) and I've had the double fire happen under heavy recoil more than once. Trust me it's indistinguishable from one shot.

Most times hunting because of that with a heavy recoiling gun I shot rear to front to avoid the chance of a double fire...I had it happen once on a 10ga. stuffed with 1& 3/4 oz of shot and 130 grs of FF in each shell.