That should be self evident Bob, but it would take a measure of intelligence, and a spine. I suppose having estrogen overload doesn't help either.

I seriously do wish that those who claim to IGNORE me actually had the guts to just do it. That way, when I post useful information, I wouldn't be sharing it with fake gentlemen, idiots, and fools who support Liberal Left anti-gun Democrats.

What a neat coincidence it was that I happened upon an online pissing contest between you and Robert Chambers as an example of how sweet, genteel, and civilized this forum was back in the olden days.

Originally Posted By: Bob Blair
Robert you have now stepped over the threshold and become a keyboard punk. You are a guy who sits behind the security of you laptop and feels free to write homosexual insults about people you don't know that would likely result in you visiting an oral surgeon if you had the fortitude to speak them face to face. Grow up and start acting like a gentleman or just stay away from the keyboard for a while.

And, yes.......I would say this to you face to face!

Them sounds like fightin' words Bob! Did you and Mr. Chambers ever get together?

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.