Really James, is that how you see it? I see it as giving them a dose of their own medicine, and it appears that they don't like it.

I haven't banded with jOe because, as I've said many times before, his banter with Ted doesn't bother me at all, and both of them seem to be perfectly capable of hurling their own barbs. This site wouldn't be the same without it, and we all know that the B.S. about this place being a bastion of civility in the old days is just B.S.

Here's another one from those genteel good old days in 2007. They even had a site Moderator named Roy Eckrose back then, but stuff like this still survived, and Doublegunshop didn't fail because of thin skinned whiners. Post #59251:

Originally Posted By: Bob Blair
Robert you have now stepped over the threshold and become a keyboard punk. You are a guy who sits behind the security of you laptop and feels free to write homosexual insults about people you don't know that would likely result in you visiting an oral surgeon if you had the fortitude to speak them face to face. Grow up and start acting like a gentleman or just stay away from the keyboard for a while.

And, yes.......I would say this to you face to face!

And while we're on the subject of becoming something that you frequently complain about... your relentless attacks on jOe smack of the same repetitive stuff you frequently accused me of when I confronted King's anti-gun rhetoric and Socialist dogma on a regular basis. Would you get pissed at me if I did the same as you and told you that it's getting tiresome... beating a dead horse until it is little more than a wet spot in the grass? Or would you say you had that one coming?

EDIT to answer your edit: SKB's reply became too detailed the moment he went beyond a simple reply, and gave the OP a price list for his services, including "shipping from his shop". Reject that if you like. But I will admit that I don't care much for SKB. You know my reasons. He has attacked me countless times here, and in addition, he has repeatedly dumped on pro 2nd Amendment topics and relentlessly attacked pro-gun Republicans while pretending to be a so-called "Independent Moderate"... who virtually never gives equal time when it comes to attacking anti-gun Democrats. So yes, I have my reasons. Thanks for noticing.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.