Originally Posted By: BrentD

I simply do not care what you think and I don't take orders from you. I don't know if you quite grasp that yet, but ponder it a bit and you will figure it out.

So BrentD makes this idiotic announcement saying he doesn't take orders from LeFusil... yet he is all butt-hurt and angry because Dave won't take orders from him. This is exactly how you would expect a spoiled child to act.

BrentD's mentality (or lack thereof) shines like a supernova in this post.

Now for some more amusement, consider this paradox... nca225 makes a post like this, and King Brown, Gladys Kravitz, B. Dudley, BrentD, DrBob, and all of the other Fake Ass Gentlemen (F.A.G.'s) are as silent as a Church mouse.

Originally Posted By: nca225
Whats the matter Joe? Did that goat you fu@k nightly finally get smart and eat some pine cones? Is that what made you feel uncomfortable this morning?

Amazing! If I had posted this, they would all be PM'ing, e-mailing, and calling each other and organizing behind the scenes to whine, b!tch, and complain to Dave to have me banned forever for rude and vulgar behavior. They would be pontificating about the eternal importance of posting under our full names, even though doing so would place our families at risk from thieves and crack-heads looking to steal guns. They would also be urging you to stop supporting this website financially. But what do you all hear??? Crickets... a soft breeze... nothing... not a damn thing. Why? Because nca225 is one of their fellow libtards, so he/she is excused.

This is hardly the first time we have seen their selective outrage. It should tell us something about them, and their veracity and honesty.

If hypocrites could fly, this would be an International Airport. But they honestly think they have some moral superiority. You can learn a lot about double guns here. But you can learn more about people if you just pay close attention to what they do, rather than what they say.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.