TN remained Republican for its senator, 7 out of 9 representatives & its Governor. The two representatives who went Dem were already Dem so no loss for us. These two were the areas around Nashville (State Capital) & Memphis.
Memphis has sunk so low (Don't Blame this one on Joe) they recently sold two "Valuable" city parks for $1,000.00 each. I do not know the estimated value of these parks, but I seriously doubt there would many, if any, house lots one could buy in Memphis for $1,000.00. So Why did the city sell these parks at this ridiculously low price? Simple, they had statues of Confederate General N B Forrest on them. State law prohibits any municipality from removing or otherwise mutilating a historical statue or marker without a complicated process of approval. City officials with no public hearings or otherwise simply sold these parks to a private Concern to which the law did not apply & under cover of darkness they came in & removed the statues & hid them away. There is currently a lawsuit against the city asking for 30 Million & I hope they get every penny of it.

I Didn't Say Everything I Said, Yogi Berra