Now this is interesting! DrBob, BrentD, B. Dudley & co. want to either boycott or encourage others to withhold financial support for this forum because I take the time to remind everyone that Ed and King are anti-2nd Amendment trolls who work from within like termites to undermine our gun rights. But none of them apparently have a problem with the Grey Man posting a street drug terminology lesson here.

Where is the hand wringing and dour commentary that this forum is swirling down the crapper because someone took Ted's nice information thread reminding us to vote, and turned it into a dissertation on blunts and joints?

Am I the only one who sees something wrong with this picture? I wouldn't mention this if it wasn't for the stench of hypocrisy, and the clowns that exhibit a complete lack of character and act like they really even know what civility is.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.