Originally Posted By: Stanley Hoover
I dont know you but Im sure youre passionate about double guns like most of us.
I will say, saying youre leaving the forum or telling us that you no longer support the forum, youre only trying to draw attention to yourself. Telling everyone just starts a whole new heated debate and further name calling.

The ignore option, if you actually need this option, you dont have thick enough skin to actually not post further degrading remarks, maybe you oughta just stay away till you grow thicker skin.

I have a suggestion for Mr Ed, King Brown, and any other posters who dont appreciate the 2nd Ammendment that our wise forefathers put in our great Constitution, start another forum site for people who share your liberal views.

Every blames Keith, I do not know Keith personally, but I do know hes posted some knowledgeable information, way more than you Mr Ed! In my opinion, youre only here to stir up trouble, please prove me wrong?

