Originally Posted By: L. Brown
Originally Posted By: craigd

Since you're fond of throwing around the word, is it hypocritical to sell some folks here that the recipients of your buddies votes are pro 2nd., let alone protect the Constitution?

Instead of giving job resumes, retirement status and hunting prowess, why not 'discuss' the results of the fruits of their vote?

Craig, the problem comes in pigeonholing people by their votes. I don't hunt doves, but a lot of Iowans do now--and it took us a long time to get a season. One of my teammates on the Governor's Pheasant Hunt several years back had been leading that effort for a long time. He was a Democrat. He also voted in favor of changing the state's concealed carry law from "may issue" to "shall issue"--which means that county sheriffs can no longer reject an application just because they think the applicant doesn't need CC. Would I have voted for him if I'd lived in his district? You bet!

We come from a lot of different places. I don't pretend to know the local situation in every state. Much less in every Congressional district. Much less in every state legislative district. So I would suggest to you that it's really difficult to know "the fruits of their vote" . . . and one whole heckuva lot easier to say "Well, if someone voted for a guy with a D after his name, he must not be in favor of protecting the Constitution. And in particular not the 2nd Amendment."

And by the way, Craig . . . Iowa's precinct caucuses give those who attend the opportunity to suggest planks for the party's state platform. At my Republican caucus several years ago, I stood up and offered the motion to support a change from "may issue" to "shall issue" in Iowa. That motion passed, unanimously. And after the next session of the state legislature, that change was made. So . . . just like taking the oath to protect the Constitution and signing on the dotted line to serve my country, I'm a guy who believes in action. Not just words. And especially not just words on a BB where we're mostly preaching to the choir. What we say here won't protect the Constitution and won't make for more 2A friendly gun laws. So I'm proud to say I've walked the walk, not just talked the talk . . . to a bunch of other gun people.

Well done Larry and well said.

While I don't live in the US, I think this is the same in both countries....most of us are not single issue voters. While I happen to think gun rights are the canary in the coal mine for personal freedoms and rights, they are not the only thing I think about when I go to the polls.

I also happen to believe in free speech. I don't mean theoretically, I mean in practice. As such, I'm not interested in behaving in a way that shuts down discussion or debate. In practice, that's hard, especially in person, because I have to battle my own instincts and allow others "air" time. However, I remain convinced that the best way to counter stupid ideas is to air them thoroughly and in public.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia