I assume DrBob read my reply to anti-gun Ed in the thread where Walt complained and announced his departure. But I'll repeat it here...

I wonder where Walt was during the literally thousands of times that King made wildly off-topic political posts? Why didn't he get all huffy and leave then? The same could be asked about all manner of off-topic threads and thread diversions that occur on a regular basis here. Since Walt has posted hundreds of pics of high grade Ithaca doubles, it's safe to assume he wasn't concerned with learning picture posting. But most of these emotional departures don't last anyway. Otherwise, B. Dudley would have remained gone after his hissy-fit farewell.

My recent thread asking guys to contact their Senators to confirm Judge Kavanaugh was not intended to become a political discussion, and I specifically requested that it shouldn't. But a few of our Liberals felt the need to denigrate a pro-2nd amendment nominee, and that thread went over 50 pages and generated more views and more interest than anything in recent memory except maybe Greg's annual Favorite Guns and Game Pictures thread. 16,664 views so far... that number is exceeded only by B. Dudley's tears. So much for the false sour grapes arguments from BrentD, B. Dudley, and a few others that claim political discussions drive people away. These guys should be working for CNN making up Fake News.

Maybe DrBob is really just upset that site traffic is way down on his new Lefever forum website. Ever since he took over the reins, after hackers were able to lock out the former administrators, the new forum has had much less traffic. Now there's a formula for failure that he apparently wishes to duplicate here. Since he "knows" that Dave is making a financial profit here, maybe he should disclose the finances of the Lefever Arms Collectors Association, and tell the members exactly what they are getting for their annual dues. It wasn't much... not even the right of members to nominate officers. The chincy newsletter was largely pictures of DrBob standing behind Lefever tables or shooting a shotgun at various shoots or shows. In my opinion, it was a big waste of money, and there is more good information on Lefever guns right here. Some former members have emailed or PM'd me to tell me why they dropped out of the LACA since it came under DrBobs leadership. Some complained about his apparent disinterest in informational articles they submitted to the newsletter that certainly would have been more useful than pics of DrBob and friends shooting a shotgun or standing behind a table. For someone so passionate about doubles, I sure am not impressed with his knowledge, or his off topic calls for censorship here.

I'll bet that if I became a thin-skinned whiner, and announced my departure because I was sick of Ed and King's anti-gun trolling, or hockey scores, or DNA testing threads, etc., he wouldn't be at all concerned about dwindling membership or interest. Just another hypocritical phony picking favorites like some school-girl popularity club. We know BrentD's real agenda is silencing anyone who disagrees with his belief in anti-lead ammunition junk science, and anyone who realizes he isn't near as intelligent as he thinks he is. It would be interesting to know DrBob's real agenda.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.